A Powder Room Makeover: Design a Custom Vanity Cabinet
A couple of weeks ago I wrote about some of my design ideas for a powder room makeover. Aside from a custom wedge-shaped vanity cabinet, I’ve proposed a very straightforward, sensible fix.
In this post, I’d like to focus on the details of the custom cabinet. According to Becky Harris of Houzz, a powder room, despite being the smallest, “can pack the biggest design punch.” I happen to agree. With this vanity, I’d like to add drama, unexpected touch of glamour, and visual interest. It should be both attractive and functional.
As such, it’s imperative that the vanity cabinet conceals the unsightly p-trap under the vessel sink. However, the plumbing needs to be accessible in case of a problem. Plus, it should accommodate storage; at least provide a place for hand towels.
It’s not necessary for the countertop to be much wider than the washbasin we selected. Since we are dealing with a tiny space, our vanity cabinet should be as compact as possible.
The wedge shape — inspired by the IKEA’s STOCHOLM mirror that will hang above it — is an appropriate direction. It does not take up any precious floor space! Attached to the wall with a continuous cleat, it tapers at the bottom and has no feet.
Any makeover should involve a bit of a risk. A tailored look and feel of a custom vanity cabinet serves this particular powder room very well.
The intriguing, angular design adds playfulness. It mirrors the mirror in shape, the choice of materials, and durable finish. I envision the top surface as a solid 1 ½” slab of walnut with a 45-degree tapered edge. The removable front panel aligns with the bottom of the countertop; the panel is fabricated out of a walnut-veneered ¾” plywood. Steering clear of the plumbing pipes, a towel receptacle nestles to the right (see the drawings above).
Once again, a powder room is a great place to experiment and make a statement. Little details really matter here. A custom vanity cabinet can become a striking feature and enliven an otherwise basic makeover.