Create Your Zen: Collaging as a Way of Designing Outcomes
It’s the last week of December. Usually, at the end of the year I am focused on resolutions. It’s been a personal tradition to set goals. I turn to collaging in the process of designing outcomes.
First step is to get my hands on a stack of old magazines. For hours, I leaf through them one-by-one, spotting words or phrases and attractive (in my mind’s eye) images. I cut them (rip them) out — adding to a growing pile. The following day, I arrange gathered snippets in a graphic and marvel at how everything is connected. Then, I get a board of some sort and glue them down.
Finally, after all of those found (or recognized) dreams are recorded, I feel a sense of direction. Identified, they become an attainable possibility. My intentions are set. I am confident. To make them a reality has just gotten much easier. Thus, the sky is the limit!
Somehow, collaging is synonymous with goal setting: I know what to work toward.
This year, I’ve put together four separate boards, each one addressing a particular side of my life: family, marriage, creative professional life, and personal growth.
As a mother, first and foremost, I crave a “taste of togetherness.” Close second, is how important it is to me to stay relevant in my kids’ lives. I still want to inspire them not to settle for ordinary. I’ve written about my two daughters a lot, you can read about them here and here and here. Through collaging, I affirm that my job is to be:
- wise,
- available,
- interested,
- supportive,
- present,
- understanding.
As a wife, I intend to be calm, tender, and loving. Every day is a page in our love story. Every day is a celebration of togetherness; it’s magnificent! When it comes to designing outcomes or stating intentions, it is my goal to build an ocean home for us. Stay tuned.
As Alla DIY Ally, I long for an unwavering sense of purpose. I want to share expertise/teach and learn. I want to help DIYers, to be their architect on demand. Besides, I’ve applied for a license in the state of New York (in addition to the one I hold in California) and hope to get it soon. It will give me a chance to expand my practice in more ways than I know.
Thinking about it, writing about it, collaging about it, I am designing outcomes. Truly.
As a human being, I am thankful for relentless evolution. My well-being begins on the inside. In the process of designing outcomes, I opt for a lifetime of growth — mind and soul:
- unfolding,
- abundant,
- grounded,
- grateful!
It’s all about making and taking time — thriving. Collaging or designing outcomes is quite contemplative. The process gives me a chance to become aware and to express. I’ve been practicing this technique longer than a decade. I learned about it from The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron. It’s a form of self-help.
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Mia S Kazovsky
I love your collages. I have a few little ones framed, proudly displayed in my apartment! They encourage me and remind me that you believe in all that I am capable of, even at times when I forget! Collages are great reminders of goals, intentions, dreams. They can really help you get where you need to go! Creating these collages is a very therapeutic and cathartic process. It helps you envision your aspirations and set out to make them realities. I made a huge one when I was applying to college, and not only was it fun to make, it was inspiring and it helped me apply myself and truly focus on the tasks that were at hand. Nowadays, I use Pinterest in a similar fashion. By no means is it as powerful of a process as physical collaging, but let’s just say it’s a good alternative for getting inspired on the go! I use the app to collect inspiration and motivation alike daily! Thank you for this post! I think I’m going to find some old magazines and make a real collage with my 2018 intentions!
Alla DIY Ally
Mia, thank you so much for this comment! Thank you for taking the time to really think it through. Love you.
Alla DIY Ally
Mia, I came across a couple of interesting article on New Year’s resolutions; you might enjoy reading through these:
Alla DIY Ally
Here’s another good sampling of New Year’s resolutions:
Alla DIY Ally
One more list: